Turn Your High-Performing Professional into a Highly visible, high-impact player —Even if they Don’t Feel Ready

Your organization is filled with driven, high-performing, highly competent professionals, but they are stuck in the shadows, fighting against potentials you know they have. They are your best-kept secrets or behind-the-scenes rockstars. It’s time to help them elevate themselves. I help these top talents step into the spotlight, champion themselves, and make the impact they’re built for—without feeling like a fraud or craving attention.

The Courage Hacker

Patrick Meniboon, MBA

AI Strategy Advisor and Speaker

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transform; don't just inform.

We guide driven professionals, who feel isolated and defined by their insecurity, to hack into more of their true selves and pull out who they know they are capable of being so they can fulfill the calling they were chosen for.

Born and raised in Liberia, Patrick faced a formidable challenge—a debilitating stutter. But he refused to let it define him. Through unwavering determination, he transformed his limitations into strengths.

Patrick’s journey led him to become a two-time valedictorian, captivating audiences as an international speaking sensation. His path culminated in reaching the 2015 District 6 finals in the Toastmasters International Speech Contest, just one win shy of the World Champion of Public Speaking quarterfinals.

The seeds of “Courage Deficit Disorder (CDD)” and visionary frameworks like “Courage Hacking” were sown through Patrick’s own experiences. He realized that challenges tied to fear and self-doubt were universal. And so, he became a beacon of hope, guiding others to harness the power of courage.


I could win a Nobel Peace Prize or three Olympic Gold Medals in three different sports, I will still be referred to as the guy who stutters. That's what I hated—that's what became the problem I was meant to solve.

Unlock Courage-Based Leadership with courageos

The Self-CHAMPion Framework

CourageOS is an Empowerment-as-a-Service (EaaS) courage hacking system akin to SaaS.

Character-based systems

Say goodbye to generic leadership training. Our programs are all about “Courage Hacking”—reprogramming your brain’s natural threat response to default to courage. We diagnose “Courage Deficit Disorder (CDD)” using our Courage Iceberg model. The result? Personalized courage that sets you apart.

hope-based Systems

Enter the CHAMPion portfolio, our crown jewel. With Confidence-based Systems, Hope-based Systems, Attitude-based Systems, Mastery-based Systems, and Purpose-based Systems, you’ll have every facet of leadership covered. These systems are exclusive yet exhaustive, guaranteeing a comprehensive approach to leadership development.

attitude-based Systems

Enter the CHAMPion portfolio, our crown jewel. With Confidence-based Systems, Hope-based Systems, Attitude-based Systems, Mastery-based Systems, and Purpose-based Systems, you’ll have every facet of leadership covered. These systems are exclusive yet exhaustive, guaranteeing a comprehensive approach to leadership development.

mastery-based systems

With offerings like the “Courage In Real Life” video newsletter and virtual programs, we ensure that insights are accessible globally. We make courage attainable for all, no matter where you are.

purpose-driven systems

Beyond professional growth, our teachings emphasize personal growth, resilience, and authentic self-expression. We ensure you don’t just excel in your roles but also evolve as individuals.

I invite you to embark on this courageous journey together


Discover the Transformative Power of Courage.
“Many speakers inspire me to be a better person, to put forth my best self to the world, but Patrick Meniboon inspires me to take who I am right now and authentically encourage others. I don't have to be perfect to make a difference.”
Diane Windingland
Keynote Speaker | Author | Speech Coach
Hello Patrick, I was thinking about you this morning as I begin my journey to become a John Maxwell speaker. When you spoke in Nashville at the PMI symposium, your words really ignited a spark in me. Thank you for your words.
Sr. Project Manager at Optum
Patrick represents the epitome of overcoming adversity, meeting challenges head on and emerging triumphantly.
President, Kenny Ray Live! Seminars..."America's Voice of Motivation!"
I am particularly impressed with the confidence and skill Patrick demonstrated during presentations.
Chief Financial Officer | Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare

These are just a few voices from our growing community of Courage Pioneers. Their stories reflect the transformative journey that awaits you at BeTheCourage.org.

Explore Insights and Empower Your Leadership Journey.

We share resources designed to supercharge your leadership skills and ignite your personal growth.

We believe that learning is a lifelong journey, and courage is your guiding light.

Do you aspire to lead a courageous organization where innovation thrives, teams take smart risks, and employees are empowered to drive growth? As

“II > EI. To be successful in the future, the rate of Internal Innovation (II) must exceed the rate of External Innovation (EI)”

Ready to Begin Your Courageous Journey?

Whether you have questions or need more information, I’m here for you. Connect with me today and unlock the fearless leader within.


+1 (919) 867-6026




Raleigh, North Carolina

Connect with me on:

I invite you to EMBARK ON THIS​ courageous JOURNEY TOGETHER​