
Empowerment-as-a-System (EaaS)

reintroduce yourself

Are you an emerging leader ready to seize your potential? Welcome to Patrick Meniboon’s transformative leadership programs. In today’s ever-changing world, authenticity and courage aren’t just qualities; they’re your superpower.
Our programs are laser-focused on equipping leaders like you with the tools to conquer your challenges. We get it – the fear of vulnerability, the struggle to find your authentic voice, and the pushback from the status quo. We’re here to empower you to lead with authenticity and fearlessness, delivering real, tangible results.
Here’s a glimpse of what Patrick offers:

man of courage

Program Overview
Men of Courage is a transformative six-week self-reintroduction system that focuses on one key area of your life at a time, honing the most important character trait required for success in that area.

Each module is crafted to help you reintroduce yourself to yourself, your family, your connections, and your world every three to nine months, reflecting continuous growth and self-innovation outpacing the external environment.

What You'll Experience:

The Courage Factor

Crafting Your Heroic Story

Mapping Your Path To Center Stage

Hacking Your Courage

Building Your Confidence and Character

Commanding Center Stage

Installing Habit of Courage

Two-Day Intensive "Shadows To Spotlight" Implementation Workshop

Consulting Opportunities:

COURAGE-Hacking Strategy Sessions: Revolutionize organizations by infusing courage through tailored consulting based on Patrick's "Courage Hacking" concept.

Leadership Systems Development: Create bespoke leadership programs using the CHAMP framework, aligning with organizational goals and values.

CDD (Courage Deficit Disorder) Assessment and Strategy: Address courage deficits with diagnostic evaluations and customized strategies.

Training Programs:

Be Your Own Courage CHAMPion: Dive into an intensive program, including workshops, webinars, and coaching, for authentic leadership development. C.O.U.R.A.G.E Code Workshops: In-depth workshops provide practical tools for immediate implementation, fostering courageous leadership skills.

C.O.U.R.A.G.E Code Workshops: In-depth workshops provide practical tools for immediate implementation, fostering courageous leadership skills.

Online Content:

Courage In Real Life Video Newsletter: Stay inspired with Patrick's weekly video newsletter for bite-sized strategies and courage-hacks.

Webinars: Engage with Patrick's expertise through interactive sessions on courage and leadership.

Books, eBooks, and Courses: Explore digital resources for knowledge and personal growth, including eBooks, audio courses, and online modules.

THE Self-CHAMPion Framework:

Imagine having a blueprint that will unlock your potential as a courageous leader.

Look no further than the CHAMPion Blueprint, meticulously crafted by Patrick Meniboon. Whether you choose the 90-minute Keynote Speech for a quick start or the immersive Half-Day Workshop, this program is your compass to navigate the challenges that hold you back.

We address the core issues that emerging leaders like you face:

Overcoming Your Fear
of Vulnerability

Finding Your Unique,
Authentic Voice

Leading with Confidence Against the Status Quo

This isn’t just another leadership program; it’s a transformative journey of self-discovery, courage cultivation, and authentic leadership. Are you ready to unlock your courage?

Leadership Systems
That Cultivate Courage

The Self-CHAMPion Portfolio

Are you tired of one-size-fits-all leadership programs that fail to address your unique challenges? We believe that leadership development should be as individual as you are. That’s why we introduce the CHAMPion Portfolio—a collection of programs tailored to suit your distinct needs, aspirations, and leadership style.

The CHAMPion Portfolio is your opportunity to customize your leadership journey. Say goodbye to cookie-cutter solutions and hello to personal growth on your terms. Select the programs that resonate with you and align with your leadership goals.

Discover a program for every facet of your leadership journey:


Say goodbye to generic leadership training. Our programs are all about “Courage Hacking”—reprogramming your brain’s natural threat response to default to courage. We diagnose “Courage Deficit Disorder (CDD)” using our Courage Iceberg model. The result? Personalized courage that sets you apart.


Enter the CHAMPion portfolio, our crown jewel. With Confidence-based Systems, Hope-based Systems, Attitude-based Systems, Mastery-based Systems, and Purpose-based Systems, you’ll have every facet of leadership covered. These systems are exclusive yet exhaustive, guaranteeing a comprehensive approach to leadership development.


Enter the CHAMPion portfolio, our crown jewel. With Confidence-based Systems, Hope-based Systems, Attitude-based Systems, Mastery-based Systems, and Purpose-based Systems, you’ll have every facet of leadership covered. These systems are exclusive yet exhaustive, guaranteeing a comprehensive approach to leadership development.


With offerings like the “Courage In Real Life” video newsletter and virtual programs, we ensure that insights are accessible globally. We make courage attainable for all, no matter where you are.


Beyond professional growth, our teachings emphasize personal growth, resilience, and authentic self-expression. We ensure you don’t just excel in your roles but also evolve as individuals.

Let's embark on this journey!